This is Me!

***Originally posted by Terry on Facebook and slightly edited for this format***

This is me. This is brain injuries.  My brain processes differently now.

Most people are really wonderful and patient with me . And I love them for that! Some people get frustrated which just makes it worse for me. Those people are not my tribe. I suspect those people are either having a bad day themselves or they do not get brain injuries. And every brain injury is unique which makes it even harder to understand.

Drew Niemann and I are working to try to bring more awareness to others because everyone will encounter someone with a brain injury in their life time.

Our podcast is not just for brain injury survivors and their loved ones. It is for everyone who wants to learn about this invisible illness and what it may look, feel, sound and be like for those in the trenches. Check it out here.

We are not slow or stupid, we just process differently.  Pathways have been damaged so information entering our brain sometimes doesn’t stick. Our brains are working double time and extra hard to function so they drain really quickly and need more time to recover too. Our speech may be off, but what we have to say is just as important. We may get squirrelly, but can be gently reminded of what we were talking about and where we were. But please, allow us time though to see if we can get there on our own. We may struggle with balance but still enjoy activity and movement with modifications. We may have physical pain that you don’t see .

We may have emotional trauma that we hide from you. It is complex and varies with each person and each day.

In this fast pace world of ours it can be really hard for us and sometimes overwhelming as all heck. What can you do to help? Slow down your speech, pause here and there, realize multitasking is not gonna happen (if I am focused on something that’s all I can focus on- I won’t hear you or pick up on other conversations going on near me) so be patient, go with the flow.

Let us get those words and thoughts before you supply them, if we forget just forgive us and tell us again because it is not on purpose or due to lack of attention and know just some days aren’t going to be good ones, but tomorrow may be great.

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