Don’t Lose Sight

The article below was written by a friend of Terry’s, Papa Ray Hurst. He has offered us the opportunity to post it here as it was brought up during the recording of Podcast episode #29. Hope you enjoy.

People that are buried 40-50 after they died

This may sound crazy, right. How can someone die and only be buried 40-50 years later? The sad part is it happens every day!

The worst part is no one knows these people are really dead because they are are still walking and talking and look somewhat normal.

They died on the inside a long time ago, because they lost their dream they lost their passion.

A dream is the worst thing anyone can lose because when you lost your dream you become a dead person walking, waiting to fall down!

So many people lose sight of their dream because the people that they are around are not building them up.

I want to stress this point, stop waiting for someone else to believe in you!
They cannot support you because they are more broken then you are!

Let me say it again; they are more broken than you are!

Anyone that does not support you in a worthy goal or dream has something in them that does not allow them to step up the plate.

When I say support, I mean emotional support, listening, giving good feedback. So many peoples dreams have died with them because of the people around them refused to listen and encourage them.

Do not let your dreams die because the people around you can not see your value!

Surround yourself with people that will support you and left you and still be honest.

Papa Ray Hurst

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