A Comeback for Every Setback

What I have learned from 3 concussions within 3 years of each other is there will always without fail be unfair situations. But, I also learned such is life! I learned to push through because a new beginning is on the horizon if I hang in there, look for the lesson and whys, and put them to good use.

I now trust that there is a comeback for every setback and a new beginning for every ending even if I can not see it in the moment. Pain has a way of blurring your vision. I doubted this each and every one of my accidents only to be proven wrong every time. Always my ah hah moments came to me.

See that picture👇, it is one of my comeback moments.

Dancing with my daughter Brooke

I am a work in progress and I continue to improve every day. And this may seem silly to you and not like such a big deal, but boy oh boy it was major to me. For you see, I always danced and I love it. I used to win dance contests in my younger years. And more recently I would hit the stage with my daughter, Brooke, for Zumba events. But it was not something I was capable of doing for years due to balance issues from my last concussion.

But, on this day, I danced. It was brief and I had to keep my feet planted and my eyes steady to keep my balance, but I did not care . I did it my way! And man it felt good!

As I continue to heal physically, my understanding of why I was meant to be on this path and that my accident was not just a derailment designed to ruin me but to deepen me and lead me to others and other work continues to grow too.

I am stubborn and full of fight and resistance. My greatest strength and weakness . But I get it now. I am meant to be doing exactly what I am doing. I accept that and will achieve success.

I choose to dance.

“And if you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.”

Leanne Rimes

Battle On!

Originally posted on “A Battle Within” Facebook Page.

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