159: New Hobbies in the Aftermath

Hello Warriors and Battle Buddies!

Welcome to A BATTLE WITHIN, Episode 159

As we all know, a TBI leads to so many things that are unexpected and frustrating. Aside from the medical component, this rings true in other areas of a Warriors life such as relationships and doing things you love.

Today Terry and I explore this a bit as it pertains to hobbies and interests. We talk to what Terry has done to shift in this regard and learn about new things she has picked up since her injuries.

We also pass along some examples of amazing things former guests have let us know about as well as some followers/ listeners who offered their new interests up.

As we continue on with Brain Injury Awareness Month we wanted to highlight the fact that new, fun and interesting things can happen as well. We all need to be aware of that possibility as well.

We want to hear more, so please add a comment to the episode on the website or on the socials telling us what you are up to these days!

Episode Notes & Resources:


  • Wiping the Slate Clean
  • Drew Brings Joy
  • PTSD Shows It’s Ugly Head
  • Frustrations
  • Bad News About the Eyes
  • Filling the Bucket Once Again
  • Driving Was a Hobby
  • Around Hurdles Instead of Over Them
  • Adaptation of the Brain
  • New Hobbies?


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Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice.

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Terry is also a Young Living Distributor and if you purchase via a link provided we earn a commission. Again at no charge to you.

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