137: Tips for Being Your Own Advocate

Hello Warriors and Battle Buddies!

Welcome to A BATTLE WITHIN, Episode 137

Advocacy can be a challenging thing, especially when your world is turned upside down, your in pain, and maybe even struggling to find yourself again. This can be a real struggle and one that cannot be pushed aside as one tries to heal.

In today’s conversation Drew and Terry explore this topic, offer some insight from their experiences, some resources available, as well as some strategies that might help you as you learn to or look to enhance your own ability on this front.

Advocacy is all about self sponsorship and not raising your hand and waiting, but an active and ongoing necessity. It is also not only reserved for the medical and legal professionals, but in all aspects of life.

Let us know what you think after listening in!

Episode Notes & Resources:


  • Defining the Term
  • Assertive vs. Aggressive
  • Necessary in All Areas of Life
  • An Interesting Perspective
  • By the Seat of the Pants
  • Struggle Letting Go
  • Independence and Safety Can Clash
  • Country Line Dancing and Self Advocacy
  • Don’t Be a Jerk
  • Never to Late


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Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice.

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