128: Is It a Growth Mindset? Or Is It Fixed?

Hello Warriors and Battle Buddies!

Welcome to A BATTLE WITHIN, Episode 128!

Drew stumbled across an article a few weeks back on mindset. Is was basically a book review highlighting a book written by Dr. Carol Dweck. A researcher who has been studying mindset for over 20 years. She argues that there are only two –Fixed and Growth.

As we have discovered and talked about quite a bit around here, mindset is a big key to healing. I figured I’d present the doctors findings and ask Terry what she thinks in terms of this TBI world we find ourselves in.

Terry offered her own experiences and viewpoints and as always we provide some suggestions to help you get into the Growth side a little more.

Episode Notes & Resources:


  • What Brought the Topic Up in the First Place
  • The Difference Between the Two
  • Finding Inspiration in Other Successes
  • The Podcast Has Aided in Terry’s Recovery
  • Constructive Criticism? 
  • Being Challenged to Grow
  • Terry in Growth After Injury


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Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice.

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