096: B is For Brain with Kelly O’Neill

A TBI Battle Buddy Connecting Heads and Hearts Through Yoga

Hello Warriors and Battle Buddies!

Welcome to A BATTLE WITHIN, Episode 096. 

Today Drew and Terry are joined by special guest, Kelly O’Neill

If you have been following along at A Battle Within for any period of time, you know we talk about the fact that a Traumatic Brain Injury deeply affects many people, not just the injured person.

That was certainly the case for Kelly. Her dear friend Tyler is hit by a car on his bicycle back in 2013. During his recovery he had a series of serious setbacks and obstacles to overcome. During all of this Kelly was not only very present, but extremely active in helping Tyler recover.

Tyler’s accident and injuries drastically changed how Kelly approaches life in the most significant ways. Today they remain the closest of friends and have put themselves forward to help others through B is for Brain. 

Through this platform they connect heads and hearts through inclusive yoga. Proceeds from this venue go to support brain injury survivors.

Listen in to find out why Tyler is the best human ever and exactly why he is Kelly’s real life super hero.

Let us know your thoughts!

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Episode Notes & Resources:


  • Tyler and Kelly- The Best of Friends
  • Bicycle Accident
  • Developing Your Own Language
  • Back to the Starting Point
  • A Constant State of Grief
  • Panic Attacks and Letting it Out
  • It’s All Connected- The Biggest of Takeaways
  • Pain Is A Great Motivator
  • Kelly is All In
  • Tyler is A Real Life Supper Hero
  • Morning Coffee
  • Teaching the People In Front of Them
  • Secret Friends
  • What’s the Deal with CBD and Marijuana?
  • FOR THE BATTLE BUDDY- Take it One Day At A Time


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Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice.

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