049: Finding Purpose Jessy and Chris Munch

Jessy and Chris talk about turning a TBI into a purpose

Welcome to A BATTLE WITHIN, Episode 49

Today on A BATTLE WITHIN, we chat with Jessy and Chris Munch.  Jessy is a listener and has been following along on Instagram.

Jessy and Chris are out of the Portland, Oregon area and found themselves dealing with Jessy’s head injury within their first year of marriage in May 2018.

We look into what happened, how the recovery is going and what some of what they have done to accommodate all the sudden and unexpected changes in their lives. The adaption continues as Jessy  works diligently at the healing to this day with Chris by her side.

Chris offers some of his perspectives as the spouse and very much the caregiver as well. As we all know, this kind of trauma can tear a relationship apart. Being married for such a short period of time has got to lead to additional stress and things to sort out. How are they working through it?

Jessy has become actively involved in helping in the TBI community and have become an advocate for wearing helmets.

I’m sure you will appreciate their willingness to openly share their story.

Episode Notes & Resources:


  • Motorcross
  • Out for 7 Days
  • Memory- Like 50 First Dates
  • Mindset Helps 
  • 10 Months After Marriage
  • Exhausted all the Time- Sleep Apnea?
  • Multi-Tasking
  • 5 Things to Be Grateful For Daily
  • No Excuses
  • Depression Settles In
  • Helmets
  • Remembering the Wedding Day
  • FOR THOSE BATTLING- Find People Who Know What You Are Going Through
  • FOR THE CAREGIVERS- Keep a Positive Mindset


Please note that Terry and Drew are not medical professionals nor should their perspectives be taken as medical advice. Click Here to see disclaimer.

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Terry is also a Young Living Distributor and if you purchase via a link provided we earn a commission. Again at no charge to you.

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